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Is Your Cat Overweight? Signs, Symptoms & What to Do

While a chubby cat may seem cute and cuddly, even a small amount of extra weight can be harmful to your feline friend's health in the long run. In this post, our Seattle veterinarians will discuss several signs that your cat may be carrying excess weight.

Is my cat overweight?

As a cat owner, you may not realize the significance of your cat's weight on their overall health and lifespan. Carrying extra weight can increase your furry friend's risk of severe and life-threatening conditions.

Even a few extra ounces can significantly impact your cat's well-being. Therefore, it's crucial to monitor your cat's weight and keep them at a healthy range to ensure their well-being.

Diseases Linked to Obesity in Cats

Cats that are overweight face an increased risk of developing a number of serious conditions, including: 

  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Joint pain
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Skin problems

How To Tell If Your Cat Is Overweight

Our veterinary team has compiled some tips to help you identify if your cat is overweight. Ensuring your cat maintains a healthy weight is crucial, so schedule regular wellness checkups. During these appointments, your veterinarian can thoroughly examine and provide personalized advice.

Check Out the Overweight Cat Chart

Overweight Cat ChartThe illustrations in the overweight cat chart above can help you better understand your cat's weight category and whether they may be carrying extra pounds. Which illustration best represents your cat's size?

Difficulties Jumping

Does your cat have trouble running or jumping? Cats are supposed to be agile and easily handle low jumps. If your cat struggles to jump onto low surfaces or gets tired quickly, it might be because of their extra weight.

Look for Your Cat's Waist

When your cat is standing, look at it from above. Try to locate a slight indentation just above its hips, where its waist should be (admittedly, this can be difficult with long-haired cats). If you cannot see its waistline or sides bulging, your cat is likely carrying extra weight.

Your Cat's Ribs Should Be Easy to Feel

You can check if your feline friend is at a healthy weight by feeling their ribs as you stroke their chest. If you have difficulty feeling their ribs, it could mean your cat is carrying excess weight and may benefit from weight management measures.

How To Help Your Cat Achieve a Healthy Weight

Determining your cat's ideal weight depends on its breed, age, and overall size. If you suspect your cat is overweight, consult with your veterinarian. Your vet can evaluate your cat's current weight, advise you on the ideal weight for your furry friend, and guide you on achieving a healthier size.

For cats that are only slightly overweight, reducing their portion sizes or limiting treats may be all that is needed to help them shed some pounds. If your cat needs to lose a significant amount of weight, your veterinarian may suggest switching to a prescription diet designed to aid in feline weight loss.

Gaining Weight for No Apparent Reason

If you have noticed that your cat is gaining weight unexpectedly, it is important to take them to the vet to find out what might be causing it. Unexplained weight gain could indicate a health problem that needs to be addressed. Please do not delay in getting your furry friend the care they need.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Are you concerned about your cat's weight? Contact our Seattle vets to set up a wellness exam for your feline companion.

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Cat Clinic of Seattle is welcoming new patients. Our compassionate vets are experienced in caring for cats in the Seattle area. Get in touch today to book your pet's first appointment.

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